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The challenge is getting real

Excitement rises as we get closer and closer to the start of the 24-hour challenge. This year’s Innovation Marathon has officially started today with the kick-off where the participants and the company representatives have met each other for the first time.

Current president of the TU Austria and the Rector of TU Wien, Sabine Seidler has welcomed the students, company representatives and special guests to the 6th Innovation Marathon. She shared her thoughts on TU Austria Innovation Marathon being a great opportunity for students to try out and apply theories in practice – one of the leading initiatives of TU Wien. She said the event also makes it possible for the participating companies to get fresh ideas and to build on the out-of-the-box perspectives coming from the students.

After a short introduction by the Austrian Patent Office, who is also a partner of the Innovation Marathon, the participants learned more about the agenda of the 24 hours long challenge.

Tomorrow exactly at 9 o’clock in the morning the sound of a gong will signal the start of the TU Austria Innovation Marathon. It will go on for 24 hours and will end on Friday morning with the students’ presentation in front of the company representatives and a public audience.

After receiving the welcoming words and equipped with useful information on the next days, the students had the opportunity to get to know their brand-new team members by embarking on a fun team-building adventure.

The teams have come up with imaginative and innovative landing solutions to protect raw eggs when dropped from a considerable height. Seven teams managed to successfully overcome this challenge. That’s what I call a good start for tomorrow’s Marathon!

Now that the students are already familiar with their team members, they have one less thing to be excited about and this might help them get a good night’s sleep before the big day. But shhh… they still don’t know what is the actual challenge that they are about to face, nor who their company partner will be! But let’s spare that excitement for tomorrow. :)

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Mario Fallast, Project Lead Innovation Marathon
Graz University of Technology
Rechbauerstraße 12
8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

With innovative Know-How

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