Diversity sparks creativity
In innovation diversity is key. That's exactly why we are so proud of the diverse background of the participating students, and also of the wide variety of the projects brought by the partner companies.

Some facts about the diversity of our teams:
This year we received almost 170 applications from students for the 40 available places. There are more than 20 countries represented amongst the participants. These are: Albania, Austria, Belarus, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Israel, Jordan, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA and Zambia.

The fields of study of the participants range from architecture to automation, eco design & renewable energy systems, health sciences, biotechnology, international law, philosophy, Southeast Asian studies, technical chemistry and many more.
This is what I call a perfect cocktail of diverse backgrounds and an exciting mixture of fields of interest! :)

The team members in each team were selected in a way that there are some participants whose fields are related to the topic of their challenge, and there are also team member with completely different experience. This ensures that a variety of ideas will be generated ranging from professionally reasonable to radical and crazy. Seemingly crazy ideas are the best building blocks for the teams in moving forward from more traditional solutions. And sometimes it is only a spark of inspiritaion what is needed to get out of the box! :)